General Advice for Eyecare

Healthy Lifestyle

Family History

Digital Devices Usage

Eye Protection

Balanced Diet

Vitamins & Minerals
  1.  NHS. (2016) Childhood cataracts. Available at: []
  2. NHS. (2016) Glaucoma. Available at: []
  3. NHS. (2015) Macular-degeneration. Available at: []
  4. Diabetes and Genetics. Available at: []
  5. RNIB. Eye conditions related to diabtes. Availablet at: []
  6. Deloitte.(2016)There’s no place like phone: consumer usage patterns in the era of peak smartphone. Global Mobile Consumer Survey 2016 UK., p. 26
  7. Office for National Statistics (2016). Internet access – households and individuals 2016. What the internet is used for and types of purchases made. p.4
  8. National Sleep Foundation. How sleep affects brain function. Available at: []
  9. Johansson AE, Petrisko MA, Chasens ER. (2016) Adolescent Sleep and the Impact of Technology Use Before Sleep on daytime Function
  10. National Sleep Foundation. Melatonin and Sleep.Available at: []
  11. Grahn BH et al. (2001) Zinc and the eye. J Am Coll Nutr 20(2 Suppl):106-18. 
  12. Bhargava R et al (2013) A randomized controlled trial of omega-3 fatty acids in dry eye syndrome. JAMA Ophthalmology; 6(6): 811–816. []
  14. Umapathy A et al. (2013) Antioxidant delivery pathways in the anterior eye. Biomed Res Int 2013:207250
  18. Macular Society: Nutrition and Eye Health. Available at: [ ]

Image – courtesy of ONS


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